Most of the people prefer MS Outlook in the terms of API, integration across email,calendar, contacts, offline access and different ways to find the email. There are many users who are working with it and they know how to fix the problem. But there are some issues while using Outlook OST file and cannot be accessed due to an error, this might get trouble for the users if they are not aware of troubleshooting.
In this part, mentioned reason of being inaccessible the OST file in MS Outlook even in used, they are:
After mentioning, the problem behind it of MS Outlook OST file is in use and cannot be accessed. In the next part are going to mention solution of this problem.
The system asks you to restart it, but this is not a solution for that. The problem can fix into two different ways. They are:
1. Terminate All Outlook Programe
2. Disable The Cache Exchange Mode
Now attempt to run the MS Outlook again. Definitely, will grant you access it. After fixing Outlook ost file error, you will be able to save OST MailBox into PST file format using manual and third party solution.